Lateral Entry Written Test at MCJ
The subject exam conducted at 9 x stations country wide i. e Gilgit, , Rwp sialkot,Multan , Peshwar, Queeta, and Military College Jhelum on 30 April 2023 from 0900 am to 1115 am. Total of 1973 candidates were registered for the subject exam and 1840 candidates appeared in the entrance test.
Celebrations Pakistan day 23rd March 2023
The subj event was conducted in Musa Hall. The chief guest Deputy Comdt Military College Jhelum, Col Aftab Hussain graced the event with his presence. The event started with a recitation of the Holy Quran followed by a welcome address of the President Literary Society. After the welcome note, a very informative lecture was given […]
Certificate Awarding Ceremony at MCIIT
Subject event was organized at MCJ Musa Hall on 16 Mar 2023. CCA (Certificate in Computer Applications) course has been resumed at MCIIT after a gap of almost 3 years. Position holders of the CCA batch-47 were given excellence certificates and shields by Brig Ahmad Qureshi, Commandant MCJ .Duration of the course was 3 months […]