75th Independence Day has been celebrated with full zeal and enthusiasm. The celebrations started with special prayers for the well-being of the nation and college in the College Main Masjid, attended by cadets, faculty and staff.
In continuation, the Flag Hoisting ceremony was held at 0900 hrs followed by the reading of the Chief of Army Staff message, by the Adjutant.
A colourful and well-planned ceremony encompassing activities related to Independence Day, Remembrance of Mentors and Tribute to Brig (approved Maj Gen) Ahsan Waqas Kiyani, an alumnus, on well-deserved promotion was organised in Musa Hall, College Auditorium. In the first part of the event, Independence Day speeches and Milli songs by the cadets and a well-prepared and informative presentation by Capt Adil.
In 2nd part, reading of detailed script alongwith pictorial display in remembrance of each mentor to acknowledge their services to the college, was organised.
In 3rd part, tribute was paid to Brig (approved Maj Gen) Ahsan Waqas Kiyani, an alumnus of the college.
Commandant Brigadier Muhammad Saeed Anwar, SI (M) graced the occasion as chief guest. During the speech, he highlighted the importance of independence, sacrifices made by our forefathers and the responsibilities of present generations. He emphasised on focused and dedicated approach with positivity by all to perform our responsibilities with a view to meet all kinds of challenges.
Commandant also appreciated the efforts of the cadets and faculty in arranging such a wonderful event.
Long Live Pakistan
Long Live Military College Jhelum.